Palestine/ Gaza

More than 25,000 civilians have been killed and more than 60,000 injured amid the recent violence. Nearly 50% of deaths are children. A chronic humanitarian and protection crisis continues to affect Palestinian children and families. Over 80% of the population depends on aid due to access restrictions and hostilities. The impact of these restrictions is exacerbated by recurring flare-ups in violence and a severe energy crisis. Trapped in a downward cycle of poverty, unemployment and food insecurity, people have limited access to health care, safe water, and electricity. 100 USD per person HRUSA believes in the power of compassion and action to transform lives. In the heart of Gaza, where millions are trapped in a relentless cycle of poverty, violence, and scarcity, our work is more critical than ever. We're on the ground, delivering essential supplies like food, clean water, and medical aid, while also working to improve access to education and sustainable livelihood opportunities. Your support can light the path to a brighter future for those who need it most. By joining hands with us, you become part of a community dedicated to breaking the barriers of hardship and building bridges of hope and resilience. Together, we can bring about real change and offer a lifeline to those caught in the world's most challenging situations.

Food Aid/ Food Bank

Nourishing Lives, One Meal at a Time

HRUSA's Lifeline on Wheels

A Beacon of Hope in Gaza's Water Crisis

Empowering Lives:

Family and Orphan Sponsorship Program

Winterization in Gaza:

Bringing Warmth in Harsh Winters

At Humanitarian Relief through our French office and Gazan team members, we’re proud to share that our food aid programs have made a significant impact, reaching nearly 20,000 individuals with essential nutrition with food supplies procured locally or shipped from Egypt. Understanding the crucial role of a balanced diet, our efforts go beyond mere distribution. We collaborate closely with expert nutritionists to meticulously craft food parcels that are not only filling but also nutritionally rich. Each parcel, from hot meals to food vouchers, is designed to meet the essential dietary needs of the communities we serve.

Beyond providing food, we believe in empowering individuals with knowledge. Our team offers invaluable guidance on healthy eating, helping recipients maximize the nutritional benefits of their meals. This approach ensures that every food parcel we deliver is more than just sustenance; it’s a step towards healthier living. In a world where hunger is a persistent challenge, our food aid program stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to nurturing healthier, stronger communities.

In Gaza, the struggle for clean water is a harsh reality, with nearly half of Gaza’s population facing limited water access. Since 2016, Humanitarian Relief has been at the forefront of addressing this crisis in Gaza, where the quest for water is relentless. Our innovative water distribution initiative, initially launched by our French Branch, has been a game-changer. Focusing on solar-operated water boreholes and a fleet of water trucks, we’ve ensured life-sustaining water reaches areas most deprived of this essential resource. Each week, our program quenches the thirst of over 12,000 people, bringing more than just hydration—it brings a promise of a better tomorrow.

Our water trucks, a vital part of this mission, traverse challenging terrains to deliver not just water, but also hope and resilience to the most vulnerable families. This commitment goes beyond mere distribution; it symbolizes our unyielding dedication to safeguarding a basic human right. Each delivery reaffirms our pledge to stand with the people of Gaza, ensuring that no individual is left behind in their fight for survival and dignity. Join us in this vital mission, as we continue to navigate through adversity, offering more than water—a lifeline to those in dire need.

Family and Orphan Sponsorship Program

In 2023, Humanitarian Relief embarked on a mission of compassion and empowerment, touching the lives of the most vulnerable in our community. Through our dedicated Family and Orphan Sponsorship program, we have reached out to 500 households, focusing particularly on orphans and women-headed families. This program is more than just financial assistance; it’s a beacon of hope and a pillar of support for those who need it most. By providing regular cash support, we ensure that these families have access to essential needs like nutritious food, quality education, and crucial health services. Each sponsorship is a step towards building a more secure and hopeful future, empowering recipients to overcome the barriers of poverty and vulnerability. Our commitment goes beyond aid; it’s about nurturing potential and fostering independence, one family at a time.

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Be part of a change in the Worldour donation today is essential for delivering critical emergency aid, life-saving sustenance, and urgent medical care to those in desperate need.

Please support our efforts in delivering emergency aid to the people of Gaza.

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